Bomberman Wiki

Giant Gold stared at Cute Pink. He threw a bomb but it accidentally hit Cute Pink on the head.

"Ow!" she shrieked and fell over.

"I'm sorry!" Giant Gold shouted out.

Baby Red then woke up and ran off.

"That bomb is taking a long time to explode..." said Cheerful White. Suddenly, both bombs exploded! XD

Cute Pink lost a life.

"Does that mean-!" Giant Gold was shocked. Soon, on a stage, Baby Red was twirling while the others sat in the audience.

"Ok, what now?" Cheerful White asked.

"I think we should let Louie join in the fun." Cool Black stated.


So they had another battle, but this time there was an egg hiding in the stage.

"Rui rui rui! Ruirui ruiiiiii!" Louie said through the microphone.

Cheerful White picked up the egg.

"Hang on, this isn't Louie's egg!" he said.

"MYU!" Pommy burst out of the egg.

"Pommy! You're supposed to be announcing!"

"Myu! Louie threw Pommy into the battlefield! Pommy's scared!" he said, running off, but got caught in a bomb explosion.

"LOUIE!" screamed all nine bombers at once.

"Rui...." Louie said sadly.

Suddenly, an emergency alarm went off.

"Warning! All Bombers, Rooeys, Charaboms and other species must evacuate immediately! There is a fire!"

Suddenly, fire appeared.

Acrobat Aqua tried to use the water bomb but failed.

Kid Blue walked up to her.

"Just believe in yourself. You can do it." He said calmly and sweetly.

Acrobat Aqua was just about to try again when Cheerful White threw a water bomb at the fire. It went out.

"Finally." said Racer Green, "Can we race now?"

"NO!" shouted Cheerful White, Kid Blue and Acrobat Aqua at the same time.

"Remind me again, since when do we allow NINE bombers to battle? Along with one Louie shared between the nine of us who runs around like Yoshi when he gets hit and Pommy announcing everything we do?" said Cool Black.

"Since Pencil started her own version of the Bomberman series," Bookworm Green said.

Suddenly, the fourth wall crashed down on top of them.

Meanwhile, Bagular was planning an evil plan...

"Barom Pack, you go distract those bombers while I take over!"

"Yeah!" said a Barom.
