Super Future (超みらい, Chou Mirai), also known as Future, is the fourth stage in Super Bomberman 4. This stage takes place in a dense, robotic jungle. Bazooka Bomber is fought here. It reappears under the Zone 4 of Super Bomberman 5.
- Boyoyon Baby
- Doronpa
- Crazy Balloon
- Bobo
- Esper
- Psycho Man
- Dancing Clown
- RIVAL: Bazooka Bomber
- BOSS: Centibeetle
- Bomb Up
- Fire
- Glove
- Punch
- 1 Up
- Crepe
- Select Item
- Remote Control
- Push
- Bomb Kick
- Pierce Bomb
- Invincible Suit
- Samurai Ball
- Jelly
- Heart
AREA 4-1[]
AREA 4-2[]
AREA 4-3[]
AREA 4-4[]
AREA 4-5[]
AREA 4-6[]
AREA 4-7[]
AREA 4-8[]
- Super Bomberman 4 manual, pg. 15
- Super Bomberman 4 Hudson Official Guidebook, pg. 37-39