Primeval Era (げんし時代, Genshi Jidai), also known as Aeon, is the first stage in Super Bomberman 4. It is an ancient era with dinosaur and clay figure enemies. The first 3 areas take place on a mountain while the rest are in a cave. Hammer Bomber is fought here. It reappears under the Zone 4 of Super Bomberman 5.
- Bomb Up
- Fire
- Speed Up
- Time
- Glove
- Heart
- Punch
- Pierce Bomb
- Bomb Pass
- Cake
- Bomb Kick
- Select Item
- Potato
- Push
AREA 1-1[]
AREA 1-2[]
AREA 1-3[]
AREA 1-4[]
AREA 1-5[]
AREA 1-6[]
AREA 1-7[]
AREA 1-8[]
- Super Bomberman 4 manual, pg. 12
- Super Bomberman 4 Hudson Official Guidebook, pg. 24, 26-27