Planet Timbertree (initially localized as Swamp Attack) is the first planet in Super Bomberman 3, based on Mori Mori Forest from Bomberman '94. While most of the planet is covered in jungle, the events of the game take place in the "swamp belt" that encircles the surface.[1] It is here that Magnet Bomber guards the green Mother Computer Chip.
It reappears as the first world of Bomberman World, where Earth Bomber is stationed. In this appearance, more greenery is seen. In English versions, it is known as Planet Forest in-game, Mori Mori Star - Earthen Star in the PAL manual (a closer translation of its Japanese name and title, with "Mori" meaning "Forest"), and Earth World in the NTSC-U manual.
It appears in Super Bomberman R under its current English name. It is described as the fourth planet of the Starry Sky Solar System, and is lush and rich with natural resources. The planet is littered with ancient ruins, which are the stages' setting in this game. Golem Bomber is encountered at one particular temple.
While each appearance gives it a new name in localization, it is always known as Mori Mori Star in Japanese.
Title | Enemies | Items | Traps |
1-1 |
Plant Man (2) Lizard Man (2) |
(2x) (2x) |
None |
1-2 |
Trent (2) Gueru Plant Man (2) |
Jungle | |
1-3 |
Buster Slime (2) Trent Gueru (2) |
Bridge | |
Dragonfly Plant Man (2) Lizard Man (2) Core Mecha Walker (2) |
Jungle | ||
1-4 |
Gueru (2) Plant Man Core Mecha Walker |
(2x) |
None |
Buster Slime (2) Dragonfly (2) Gueru |
Bridge | ||
1-Boss |
None | None |
Title | Enemies | Items | Traps |
1-1 |
Pyonta Momo |
(x4) (2x) (1x) |
Stone |
1-2 |
Pakupaku Kong Core Mecha |
(x6) (2x) (1x) |
Stone Palm Tree |
1-3 |
Momo Armadillong Mogumogu |
(x6) (1x) (2x) |
Palm Tree (bridge) |
1-4 |
Earth Bomber (boss) | (x1) | None |
1-5 |
Trent (boss) | None | None |
Super Bomberman 3[]
Bomberman World[]
Super Bomberman R[]
Super Bomberman 3[]
Bomberman World[]
- Stone
- Palm Tree
- Bridge
Super Bomberman 3[]
Bomberman World[]
Super Bomberman R[]
- ↑ "Green planet covered in jungle. There is a swamp belt around the surface, many enemy characters appear here." - Super Bomberman 3 Japanese manual, pg. 16
- Super Bomberman 3 Japanese manual, pg. 16
- Super Bomberman 3 Hudson Soft Guidebook, pg. 22-24
- Bomberman World Japanese manual, pg. 11
- Bomberman World European manual, pg. 8
- Bomberman World American manual, pg. 13