Bomberman Wiki

Planet Dodonpa is the home planet of Bongo and his family, debuting in Episode 30 in the anime Bomberman Jetters.


Planet Dodonpa is a planet ruled by King Kingo and Queen Ringo, who are Bongo's father and mother respectively. The Dodonpa residents are highly addictive to curry made with special curry spices, eating it every day.

In Planet Dodonpa's first and only appearance, King Kingo got something sharp stuck in his throat and were unable to remove the sharp object, even with the help of the royal doctors, making him unable to eat curry. This resulted in the council placing a ban on curry consumption, so that the Dodonpas may feel the same pain as King Kingo. In order to remove such sharp object, King Kingo must eat a fruit from the Unique Cough Drop Tree, obtained from Planet Rekoreko's oasis.

The Jetters return to Planet Dodonpa after stopping the Hige Hige Bandits from attempting to steal the unique cough drops. King Kingo becomes lively again, and the ban on curry consumption is lifted.

Places of interest[]

Royalty palace[]

Planet Dodonpa Royalty Palace

The palace

The royalty palace is where the king, queen, and several other important figures live in. According to Bongo, the palace is extremely large to the point that, when he was a child, he got lost for a week, even when 3,000 residents were searching for him. Bongo managed to survive by finding a group of bandits.

Market place[]

The market place, according to Bongo, is usually bustling around with a huge crowd of people. At the time the Jetters arrive at Planet Dodonpa, the stores are closed, and the vicinity was deserted, presumably due to the ban on curry consumption.

Recurring Bomber NebulaPlanet BomberBomber StarBomber Base
TG-16 The WallRocky MountainsRiverForestLava CaveInside of the Castle (I)(II)(Final)
'93 Planet QuarryBlossom PlanetPlanet InfernoPlanet WitherPlanet SurfIcicle PlanetPlanet Techo
Super Peace TownRobot Amusement ParkDr. Mook's Robot Remodeling FactoryRobot Tournament Qualifier DomeRobot Tournament GroundsDiamond Tower
'94 Mori Mori ForestAchi Achi MountainBuku Buku SeaCura Cura CastleYuki Yuki LandFinal Area
Super 2 Castle StageFlame StageAmusement Park StageFactory StageDark Stage
Super 3 Swamp AttackFirestormDeep SeaPyramidWinterlandBattleship
Super 4 Primeval EraEdo EraModern EraSuper FutureHyperspace
Saturn Amusement WorldSamurai WorldWestern WorldDino WorldMr. Meanie's Future WorldTower
Super 5 Zone 1Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4Zone 5
Neo Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5
64 Green GardenBlue ResortRed MountainWhite GlacierBlack FortressRainbow Palace
World Planet ForestPlanet WindPlanet FirePlanet OceanPlanet Black
Hero Planet BomberPrimus StarKanatia StarMazone StarGaraden StarGossick StarBomber Star
Quest Peace TownField ZoneForest ZoneBeach ZoneDesert Zone
64: The Second Attack AlcatrazAquanetHorizonStarlightNeverlandEpikyurThantosWarship Noah
Max Zaurus StarSecret StarBattle StarCity StarFuture Star
Land Bomberman LandRed ZoneBlue ZoneYellow ZoneGreen ZoneWhite ZoneRainbow Zone
Generation Planet TentacallsTentasiaOctoOceanTakoDesertNekki MoonMajestarArmorJoe
Portable Bomber WorldJungle WorldDesert WorldSpook WorldIce WorldLava WorldElectro WorldMech WorldFuture WorldBagular's Spaceship
Super R Planet TechnopolisPlanet TimbertreePlanet BrainwavePlanet LalalandPlanet ScrapheapBlack HolePlanet Bomber
Jetters Dark StarFlow WorldGreen WorldHot WorldUnder WorldHIGE Central
Other Magellan Solar SystemCrystal TowerOwenStarry Sky Solar SystemNogisusu StarBomber Prison