Planet Black, known as Black Star - Star of Darkness in the PAL manual (a closer translation of its Japanese name and title) and Dark World in the NTSC-U manual, is the fifth and final location in Bomberman World. It is the base of Bagura.
Planet Black is originally a Sun in disguise, but once the 4 first worlds are completed, it reveals its true identity, its appearances is a gaseous planet projecting a large skull. The inside contains four main metallic areas. It has five stages, the last two being boss battles.
- Saucer
- Missile Man
- Claw Man
- Hologra-Bom
- Gashin
- Gattain
- Core Mecha
- BOSS: Bagura
- BOSS: God-Header
- BOSS: God Bomber
- Bomberman World Japanese manual, pg. 15
- Bomberman World European manual, pg. 10
- Bomberman World American manual, pg. 17