KameKing, known as Turtle King in Japan, is a Charabom that appeared in a few Bomberman games; more specifically, those which prominently feature Charaboms.
Bomberman Tournament[]
KameKing is obtained from King, who calls himself the Charabom Champ, in T.Forest just East of Theta. King will battle Bomberman with KameKing in a Charabom battle. Win 2 times out of 3 and KameKing will join the player's team. He is needed to open the entry door and the boss door in Fantasy.
Max Stats[]
Attribute: (Electric)
KameKing opens the entrance to Fantasy, and the final room in Fantasy.
Special Attack[]
His Special Attack is Spin; he curls up into his shell and moves towards the opponent, damaging them.
Bomberman Max 2[]
In this game, KameKing is again, a very useful Charabom thanks to his many abilities and high battle stats.
Statistics | |
Type | Electric + Fire + Water |
Level | 85 |
Attack | 320 |
Defense | 310 |
Special | 360 |
Agility | 50 |
- Location: Prize for getting 100 jumps in the "Jump The Rope!" minigame. (Blue version)
- Ability: Soft Block Pass + Full Fire + Full Speed