The Clock (時計), also known as Time (タイム) or Time Stop is a recurring item in the Bomberman series.
It is an item that can have one of two functions: it will either increase the time limit for the round or stop time altogether. It's mostly found in single player modes.
By stopping time it can make clearing the round very easy for the player. All onscreen enemies will freeze and destroying them becomes a simple task. The player should be careful not to overestimate the time of the clock and run into an enemy on accident.
By increasing the time limit it can make for a higher score when clearing the round. It can be advantageous to beginners who need the additional time to clear the round.
Notable Clock users[]
- Terrorin has the ability to generate a Clock item, which will flip onto the field.
- An unused icon of the item can be found in the data of Super Bomberman 2.