Blockbuster (オナジミサン, Regular, in Japan) is the first stage in the Battle Game of Super Bomberman 3.
It is a version of the classic Bomberman Battle Mode stage, with brick cubes for Soft Blocks. There are no traps in any version of this stage.
Blockbuster 1-1[]
Blockbuster 1-2[]
Password: 4622
In this stage, there are no Soft Blocks. Players all start with 6 Fire, 6 Bombs, and the Bomb Kick ability.
- Traps: N/A
- Soft Blocks: 0
- Items: 0 (0%)
Blockbuster 1-3[]
Password: 1616
Players start next to each other in the middle of the stage.
Blockbuster 1-4[]
Password: 3194
The most basic stage available in the game. It is identical to stage 1-1, but there are no Rooeys.
- Super Bomberman 3 Hudson Soft Guidebook, pg. 56, 82-83